I had the opportunity to exclusively interview Rita Angel Taylor to learn five random facts about herself and what inspired her to become an actress. Check out my interview with Rita Angel Taylor below:
Loryn: Who is a musician you'd like to work with in the future?
Rita Angel Taylor: I would love to work with Lana Del Rey or Taylor Swift someday. I'm a huge fan of both of them!
Loryn: What lesson did your character Lucia teach you from Bel-Air?
Rita Angel Taylor: You can't always get what you want.
Loryn: If you had a magic wand, what movie or tv show would you love to be a part of?
Rita Angel Taylor: I would love to be a part of one of those movie series that is based on sci-fi or fantasy books. For example Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games, etc... They just don't make movies like that anymore!!
Loryn: What inspired you to become an actor?
Rita Angel Taylor: I was really young when I started, so I didn't completely know what "acting" even was, I was just having fun! But now, the reason I love acting so much is that I get to "live" through really awesome stories and do things that I'll never get to do in real life.
Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
Rita Angel Taylor: I was a breech birth and my dad delivered me at my grandma's house.
Be sure to stay updated with Rita Angel Taylor by checking out her website: https://www.ritaangeltaylor.com/#!. Also, be sure to follow her on her social media platforms below:
TW: @RitaAngelTaylor
FB: Rita Angel Taylor
IG: ritaangeltaylor