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Learn How To Be Incredibly Unique with Shiloh Nelson

Photo credit: Deidhra Fahey

I recently had the opportunity to executively interview ShilohNelson to learn five random facts about herself and what inspired her to become an actress. Check out my interview with Shiloh below.

Loryn: What lesson has your character Keia from Disney's Puppy Dog Pals taught you?

Shiloh: My character Keia is not afraid to be her high-energy self and she’s incredibly unique. That's reflected in everything she makes and does and that inspires me.

Loryn: If you had a magic wand, what tv show or movie would you love to be a part of?

Shiloh: A movie I would love to be a part of is Enola Holmes. I love Millie Bobby Brown and that she produces it. , That movie series is just brilliant.

Loryn: Who is an actor or actress you'd love to work with in the future?

Shiloh: I would love to work with Kevin Hart because he’s so funny and seems like such a cool dude. He’s a brilliant comedian and actor and I feel like I would learn so much from him about being in the business. Plus we’re the same height.

Loryn: What inspired you to become an actress?

Shiloh: Starbucks costs money. Just kidding. My siblings were actors and I wanted to do it so bad that I started practicing and doing their scenes when I was three and they eventually got me an agent.

Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

Shiloh: I love doing aerial silks. I take classes at a circus center in Las Vegas and when I take the class I see people riding unicycles while juggling eight pinballs. And 50 percent of the people there have been in Cirque du Soleil.

Stay updated with Shiloh Nelson by following her on social media platforms:

TW: @iamshilohnelson

FB: @shilohnelsonofficial

IG: shilohanelson

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