I recently had the opportunity to interview Elise Luthman to learn five random facts about herself and what inspired her to be featured in horror movies and tv shows. Check out my interview with Elise below:
Loryn: What is currently your favorite car?
Elise: In my everyday life, my favorite car to drive and work on is a BMW F32 435i X-Drive. Riding in a 6-speed, German engineering piece of equipment never fails to bring a smile to my face. I also love this car because it’s always challenging me. Solving problems that arise, and the jobs take at least twice the time as other cars. I like this, though, because I’m always on my toes, and it makes me appreciate her when she’s running well. My dream car, on the other hand, is a 1969 Corvette Stingray. One day I’ll have that in my garage too. (:
Loryn: What lesson did you learn from writing, and producing your own Disney Maker Studio Series, Short Girls Club?
Elise: Oh my goodness, I learned so much from Short Girls Club. I created this series with my best friend, Juliene Green when we were 15. We certainly jumped into the deep end with having little experience and came out with a valuable understanding of screenwriting, producing, and directing. I would say the lesson that I value the most is that it gave me a true appreciation of all the moving parts it takes to create a show. Understanding other positions on a set, I believe, has made me a better actress.
Loryn: Who is an actor or actress you’d love to work with in the future?
Elise: That would be a tie between Meryl Streep and Benedict Cumberbatch. These are two professionals I’ve looked up to my entire career. Getting the chance to work with either one of them would be the ultimate master class. Even if I don’t get to work on set with Benedict Cumberbatch, it is a goal of mine to shake his hand and tell him how much I respect and admire his work.
Loryn: What inspired you to be featured in horror movies and tv shows?
Elise: It’s funny; I remember the exact interview on a red carpet when I was asked what my next dream role was. My answer was, a horror movie because I had never been in one before, and I wanted to experience such a vastly different genre than I was previously used to. Since that interview, I have had five horror movies under my belt. It still amazes me, lol.
Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
Elise: It’s always a funny reaction when I tell people how I work on cars and ride motorcycles, so that’s a fun one that most people don’t expect. Fun fact number 2, I’m obsessed with pickles.
Be sure to follow Elise Lutham on her social media platforms:
Instagram - @eliseluthman
TikTok -@eliseluthman
Facebook - Elise M Luthman
Twitter - @Mckenna9elise